Article 4


The more recent wave of mandatory public procurement rules: sustainability rhymes with resilience


  • Roberto Caranta


At the close of the present legislature, the EU institutions reached a compromise on a number of new legislative instruments that will leave a mark on public procurement. While not having procurement as their main object, they include provisions related to it. Often these instruments introduce new provisions making sustainable requirements mandatory for contracting authorities. The focus in this chapter will be on the Construction Product Regulation (CPR), the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). The three legislative measures analysed in this article bear witness to both the relevance and the adaptability of public procurement to achieve societal goals, including the fight against climate change but also resilience.


SPP, Green Deal, Resilience, Due Diligence, Construction.

Cite this article

Caranta, R. (2023). The more recent wave of mandatory public procurement rules: sustainability rhymes with resilience. European Journal of Public Procurement Markets5(4), 71-87.